May 24, 2010

Not So Manic Monday...

I had an uneventful evening at work, which sucks because I would have loved to have had something to bitch about. The most bitch-worthy thing that occurred was a parental fail. I got in the elevator when I was coming back from my dinner break and there was this young girl, maybe eight or nine years-old, & her father in it with me and the girl's cell phone starts ringing and it is playing "Bedrock" by Young Money. Really?! You let your daughter download that and make it her ringtone?! I'm not gonna lie, when Justin calls me it plays "Bedrock" but I'm fucking twenty-five years old and I pay my own cell phone bill, thus I can do as I please.

Since nothing awesome happened I decided that I'd show you what books I currently have checked out to myself -- I'm a librarian, books will come up frequently...
♥ "Found" by Davy Rothbart
♥ "The Wreck of the Titan, or Futility" by Morgan Robertson
♥ "Dreaming of Dior" by Charlotte Smith

Oh, the best thing to happen all night was that our bad ass security guard (Lee) brought in jumbo fried shrimp, french fries and told me he hates a certain coworker of mine.

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