June 19, 2010

30 Day Challenge: Day Seventeen...

Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)

I do not claim to know anything about art in respects to artists and pieces that aren’t super famous, but I do appreciate artistic expression. I personally love to draw -- All of the children in Drawing Club tell me I draw well, but the majority of them are in elementary school.

I guess my favorite piece of artwork has to be Vincent Van Gogh’s June 1889 oil on canvas painting Notte Stellata (Starry Night) which is housed in New York City at The Museum of Modern Art (MOMA). Apparently, Van Gogh painted the piece after he committed himself in the hospital Saint-Paul-de-Mausole in Saint-Rémy. Pretty interesting.

I also love the drawing in Charles Lutwidge Dodgson’s 1865 novel “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” which he wrote under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. My hands down favorite is the one of Alice facing the Cheshire Cat. I prefer the black and white version, but this is the only decent copy I could find online -- If I was home I would have taken a picture of my copy of the book but I’m at Justin’s for the weekend.

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