June 27, 2010

30 Day Challenge: Day Twenty-Five...

Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Okay, here it goes... I woke up at 8:10am, which I never do on a Sunday but I did it because on Friday my next door neighbor gave me his son's pimpin' Mets tickets (Section 115) and my father decided that we should get to Citi Field madd early because he wanted to watch batting practice and such.

Justin came over around 9:30am and we hung around the house for a bit before going to a deli to pick up some sandwiches to bring with us to the ballgame. After picking up our food we headed to Citi Field, arriving there a little after 11:00am and receiving our free Mets travel mugs. We went into the Mets museum, browsed around the Team Shop, went to various clubs seeing as we had the tickets to do so. Eventually we went to our seats and just hung out. The game started at 1:10pm and it was super hot out. We stayed the entire length of the game and watched the Mets beat the Twins (6-0) -- My dad even caught a t-shirt during the Pepsi T-Shirt Launch which he gave to Yvette.

After the game we went back to my house for dinner. It was random BBQed food that I didn't eat because I don't eat meat with the exception of the occasional piece of yummy yummy bacon.

Justin stuck around for a litte after dinner, then he went home. Once he left I went to take a much needed shower seeing as it was crazy hot outside. Then I watched Jurassic Park (1993) until it was time for True Blood (2008-Present). I actually stayed home and watched True Blood because I spent the day in the sun and did not have the energy to go to Erin's apartment.

Once the show was over I went upstairs to actually come write this post and I saw that I had a bunch of missed phone calls and text messages from Erin and Phil because I didn't actually tell anyone I wasn't going over there -- My bad. And now I'm hanging out in my air conditioned room watching TV.

Is that enough detail?

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