July 5, 2010

Yesterday & Today...

I spent the 4th of July at the beach with Erin, Justin and some of my other friends. We hung out, had some drinks, tanned (I have a beautiful tan now), jumped in the cold water, etc. It was great.

After the beach we went back to Erin's apartment. We showered, BBQed, played board games, ate some food -- The same cycle went on for hours. And that was my 4th of July.

Today Justin and I went to the cemetery so that I could go plant flowers at my grandparents grave. As we were driving through to get the the section they are buried in we saw a hawk sitting on top of a cross shaped headstone -- Obviously I stopped and took pictures.

After the hawk flew away we went to my grandparent's grave and to my surprise the flowers that I planted last summer were still alive. I was so happy to see the little rose bush that I bought at a Stop & Shop™ were blooming and had buds on them. I water those flowers and planted another two of the same type of flowers. So now there are three different color roses growing in front of their headstone.

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