October 29, 2012

Rules To Survive A Horror Movie...

I don't know about you guys, but I love love love me a good (And sometimes bad) horror movie. So in honor of Halloween coming up in a few days I thought I would put together a list of some of my favorite horror movies and share them with all of you. I'm also curious to know if you do like horror movies, what is your favorite?

"There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie! For instance, Number One: You can never have sex. Sex equals death, OK? Number Two: You can never drink or do drugs. No, it's the sin factor, it's a sin, it's an extension of Number One! And Number Three: Never, ever, ever, under any circumstances, say 'I'll be right back', 'cause you won't be back." - Scream (1996)
For some more movie ideas check out Time Out's 100 Best Horror Film list.


  1. been on a horro movie binge for the upcoming halloween. So far my hubs and I have watched some classics, carrie, children of the corn, hellraiser....Funhouse is my favorite its a B movie but pretty good :)

    1. I've never seen Funhouse. I'll have to find it and give it a try.

  2. I absolutely LOVE horror movies but I'm also very picky with the kind of horror I like. :) You have some great choices. The Orphanage ALWAYS makes me cry at the end.

    1. I'm pretty okay with most horror movies as long as no one is being tortured in them. I can't stand movies like Hostel.

      The ending is so heart breaking.

  3. Love this! I love watching horror movies but I am also the worst viewer ever of horror movies (I hide under a blanket, and every time I do this my brother presses the pause button and refuses to start the movie until I emerge!).

    x Ellie @ Ellalogy 

    1. LOL. My sister does the same thing. My mother just tells her to leave and that she'll watch the movie with her brave child.

  4. Oh my, I HATE horror much that even if my husband is watching a movie with shooting, zombies etc in it he ensures I don't EVER enter the room! ha ha

    Thanks for joining up with the Almost Friday Thursday Blog Hop. We would love to have you back again this week :)


    1. LOL. :-D

      Sorry I wasn't back for last Thursdays hop but I'll be around for this weeks hop. :-D

  5. Night of the Living Dead scares the beejesus out of me.
