June 4, 2010

30 Day Challenge: Day Two...

Day 02 — Your favorite movie
Favorite movie is a hard topic because there are tons of movies that I love, because of this I'm gonna have to pick the one that I've loved the longest and I could watch over & over again -- John Carpenter's 1978 classic horror film Halloween. I was exposed to this movie in utero -- My mother watched every horror film made up until March 4th 1985 while she was pregnant with me. I f'ing love this movie... I literately watch it every time it is on TV, I have it on VHS, DVD & Blu-ray, I have a Michael Myers t-shirt, I have it in comic book form, etc. etc. etc... I love Halloween ♥

I must note that I hate Rob Zombie's 2007 remake with a passion. I felt like a piece of my soul was ripped out when I watched his version. I almost cried watching it because I felt like he butchered a classic horror film and everything that I loved about it -- If you liked this version I don't even want anything to do with you. The worse part about it was that everyone under the sun that knows I love the original couldn't understand why I was so upset with the new one -- I got tons of "I thought that you'd love it..."

Honorable Mentions

♥ The Godfather (1972)
♥ Eurotrip (2004)
♥ The Goonies (1985)

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