June 5, 2010

Strawberries & Sex Toys...

Yesterday was a "busy work" day in the Youth Services Department -- packing crafts into boxes & labeling them, creating new story times, making inventory lists for when I have to go to the craft story next week and pick up a million clay pots for various summer crafts, etc. Once I finished with my busy work Lenora and I did Drawing Club with our crazy group of kids and that was the day.

After work I went to Erin and Nicole's apartments (they live right next to each other above the restaurant that my sister works in) so we could go to the Strawberry Festival. We went and ate terribly wonderful carnival food, took some pictures and decided that Erin needed a vibrator seeing as she and her boyfriend are about to call it quits. We hopped in the car, drove to the nearest Adult Shop and went shopping -- it was a blast because Erin had never been to an Adult Shop before. Erin was happy, we were happy and we got to knock off one of the items on the "No Regrets" list (#61). Woah!

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