Dear July: Where did you go? I feel like we only spent a brief period of time together. C'est la vie. Until 2014!
Dear Liz: I can't wait to see you on Sunday and spend the day at the beach with you!!
Dear Library Thermostat: Why are you so moody? You're so hot and cold. Chill out.
Dear "Marie": Thank you for texting me a picture of the volunteer's sign up sheet who wrote that they hated "Julia" all over it. It made me chuckle.*
Dear Kids Who Broke The Library Elevator: What?! Why?! How?! What the hell were you doing that you broke the library elevator and got another kid stuck inside of it?!!**
Dear Mexico: Thank you for your 100% sugar filled soda.
Dear "Julia": Stay away from my teen volunteer! She is working on a project for me! Don't you have enough teen volunteers that hate you and probably the library now too?! Stay away!
Dear Readers: As always, you are amazing. Have a great weekend!
* Apparently a volunteer who isn't getting along so well with "Julia" wrote that they hate her all over their sign in sheet. It is some big issue and I honestly don't know how I missed any of this happening yesterday because I was very much so at work all day. Hmmm...
** This was another thing I missed yesterday but it happened after I left at 5:00pm.
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