I don't know how many of you out there have heard of the Flat Stanley Project, but it was started in 1995 by Canadian school teacher Dale Hubert as a way to facilitate letter-writing by schoolchildren to each other through documenting where and what Flat Stanley does. Like you're supposed to take Flat Stanley with you somewhere, take pictures with him in random places and mail him to someone else for them to do the same and document what he has done. My library has done this in the past with children, they've cut out tons of them and left them on the reference desk for children to take with instructions and have had pictures sent back to us. I think I'm gonna make a bunch of Flat Stanleys and bring them with me on my vacations this summer with a link to this blog and my e-mail address, so I can take pictures and leave him in the various places and see if someone e-mails me some pictures -- I think it would be fun.

For those of you whom have never heard of Flat Stanley here is some background information. "Flat Stanley" by Jeff Brown is a children's book from 1964 about a boy, Stanley Lambchop, who was flattened by a bulletin board that fell on him while he was sleeping. One special advantage of being flat is that Flat Stanley can now visit his friends by being mailed in an envelope -- Thus being mailed around in the project.
I hope you print out Stanley and e-mail me (missmisfitlibrarian@gmail.com) some pictures!
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