April 4, 2011

Outbreak Child...

We had a mother come in today with an eight-year-old with a stomach virus. She wanted to leave him in the computer rooms playing games while she took her toddler into one of our programs. When "Amy" found out that the child was sick she told the mother politely that we urge parents not to bring their sick children into the library because we don't want to infect a room full of children and adults. The mother was so angered by this statement that she started arguing with "Amy" and "Marie" about it. Flustered "Amy" called the Director, who told her there was nothing she could do about the mother's lack of common sense or courtesy. The mother heard her on the phone and got extra pissy with them. She started demanding that they help her child if he asked for help while she went into the program with her other child, blah blah blah... And that she couldn't believe "Amy" tattled on her.

I was away when this all happened, but when I came back into the room "Amy" told me all about it. I proceeded to call our Director and told him that I refuse to help her child because I am not going near anyone with a stomach virus. I told him that if he made me go near the child and I was to get sick that I would be a pain in his ass about it for the next three months. He sighed and said fine. Once I was off the phone with him "Amy" told me how awesomely ballsy I am and that she wishes she could be like me.

After the program the mother came and got her son, asking him if we had helped him or whatever and then she left. After she walked out I went into the room and sprayed it down with disinfectan.

I don't understand why parents think it's okay for their children, that they obviously didn't think were well enough to go to school to come into the library to hang out on the computers. If you didn't want them to go to school they should stay at home in bed. They shouldn't be in the library contaminating the air like little outbreak monkeys. Especially on a day were their are tons of toddlers around for programs. These parents are so inconsiderate.

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