November 28, 2011

Beginning Of A Bucket List...

Honestly I didn't really do much today at work. I did whatever random tasks my Department Head asked me to do yesterday and then I was pretty much free for the rest of the day because it was super slow. So, I ended up working on a handwritten bucket list thanks to Lenni and her bucket list that my Department Head and I were looking at yesterday. Yeah, I know what you're thinking... You're thinking that I already have my "No Regrets" list do 26th things by my 27th birthday blah blah blah, but this one is kinda different. This list consists of things that I know are gonna take me more than a year to do and that I'd like to do before I kick it one day. I'm not going to type everything out that I wrote, I will give you a sampling of what is on it though. Plus you all know that if I just so happen to get something on the list done that I'll be posting about it anyways.

A Sampling Of My Ultimate Bucket List
  • Own a coffee shop This is actually mine and Phil's dream
  • Witness the running of the bulls
  • Ride a camel
  • Visit the wreckage of the Titanic aboard a submarine
  • Attend a Native American sweat lodge ceremony
  • Find my doppelganger

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