January 31, 2012

February Photo-A-Day Challenge...

I found this over at Mandy aka Miss Indie's blog (It is orginally from Fat Mum Slim's blog), as well as Mandi aka Life In Beta's blog (So many!!) and I thought it would be a fun way to help me reach the end of the 365 Day Photo Challange I'm doing as part of my yearly "No Regrets" list -- Yeah, I realize that that was a lot... Sorry.

For those of you who are newer followers, every year I do a "No Regrets" list (The title is based off the book No Regrets: 101 Fabulous Things to Do Before You're Too Old, Married, or Pregnant by Sarah Ivens) in which I come up with a number of things (Based on my age. The most recent list is 26 things) I have to do by my next birthday, which is March 4th. Since March is rapidly approaching I've got to get moving and I thought this February photo-a-day challenge would be good for me, plus I like to share with all of you!
How to take part in February photo-a-day:
1. Using the list as inspiration, take a photo each day.
2. Share it on Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #FEBphotoaday. You can also share on your blog or on Facebook ... or even keep the photos privately for yourself.
3. Check out other people's photos and like them or comment on them.

NOTE: I won't be noting in the entry title anything about this only because I'm using it for my 365 day challenge, but I will write something underneath the photo about it. Plus I have OCD when it comes to tagging posts.

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