Hmm this question is as hard for me to answer as "favorite color"! I haven't had one favorite band in years but I'm gonna go with Muse because I've liked them since high school and still love em.
What was the best concert you've ever been to?
A Billy Joel concert I went to in high school.
What is your favorite song of all time?
This might be weird but I don't think I have one! I just like too many songs from too many genres that I couldn't possibly pick just one! Kind of back to the whole favorite color thing. ;)
What is your current favorite song?
Eeek well the current song I enjoy rocking out to when it comes on the radio/tv is "We Are Young" by Fun.
Do you know how to play an instrument?
I taught myself how to play a keyboard that we had for a while but that's the extent of my music ability.
Which of the following do you own? (Records, Eight Tracks, Cassette Tapes, CDs, MP3s)
All of the above! It's funny, I was just talking to my boyfriend about how people still make cds, cassettes, and records, but an 8 track player, which I have, is something you'll probably never be able to play modern music on. I guess the technology wasn't awesome enough to bring back?
What is your favorite music video?
I think Oren Lavie's "Her Morning Elegance" video is pretty awesome.
What is your guilty pleasure song?
Love me some Beyoncé :) Any of it really haha.

"A Drop in the Ocean" by Ron Pope
What is your current favorite song?
"Give Me Love" by Ed Sheeran
Do you know how to play an instrument?
HA. No. Not unless you count those plastic recorders they teach you in elementary school. But I've always wanted to learn how to play guitar.
Which of the following do you own? (Records, Eight Tracks, Cassette Tapes, CDs, MP3s)
Records, Cassette tapes, CDs and MP3s
What is your favorite music video?
Umm...Good question. I don't know if I have a favorite, but I do always enjoy whatever Taylor Swift puts out. She's so cute.
What is your guilty pleasure song?
"Dirrty" by Christina Aguilera. It's the song that never fails to make me want to get up and dance - Regardless of where I am.

It is constantly changing! At the moment I am loving Canadian singer Austra and Brooklyn based synth-pop duo, Chairlift.
What was the best concert you've ever been to?
Southbound in 2008. That year the line up included Kings of Leon, Girl Talk, Gotye and many more. The stand out act for me was Groove Amada. I've never danced so hard in my life! Also, Daft Punk in 2007 were absolutely amazing!
What is your favorite song of all time?
Oh gosh this is hard... I have different favourites depending on my mood! I would have to go with a classic and say either Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" or David Bowie's "Space Oddity"
What is your current favorite song?
"Cameo Lover" by Kimbra
Do you know how to play an instrument?
Absolutely not! Although I used to take voice lessons (I wasn't that bad either!)
Which of the following do you own? (Records, Eight Tracks, Cassette Tapes, CDs, MP3s)
Currently only MP3's and CD's, but it's my dream to own a record collection!
What is your favorite music video?
"Star Guitar" by The Chemical Brothers. It's such a simple yet effective video, plus the song is pretty cool too!
What is your guilty pleasure song?
Definitely the Mariah Carey Christmas album, although I swear I only pull it out once a year!
Whose your favorite band/artist?
Dream Theater. Never heard of them? I know, I know. Not many people I know have, but funny enough, when I mentioned them to my 70 year old co-worker she exclaimed, “Oh, little Mikey Portnoy? I used to make him sandwiches!” That would be the drummer.
What was the best concert you've ever been to?
I’ve been to see a bunch of bands I actually like, but surprisingly one of the best shows I’ve ever seen was Britney Spears. I went with my sister and it was like going to a campy dinner theater—a harem of dancers, stories, costumes, and glitter everywhere.
What is your favorite song of all time?
Beethoven’s 5th Symphony. Really.
What is your current favorite song?
Illusive Consensus. I wish I could sing like her.
Do you know how to play an instrument?
How? Sure. Well? Ha, no.
Which of the following do you own? (Records, Eight Tracks, Cassette Tapes, CDs, MP3s)
- Records — I sold off all of my records about a year ago.
- Eight Tracks — Never owned a single one.
- Cassette Tapes — Ha, yeah, I still have a few floating around. My last car only had a cassette player.
- CDs — Um, I think I still have a copy of Poison’s Greatest Hits, Guns ‘N Roses’ Appetite for Destruction, and Pink Floyd’s Pulse floating around somewhere.
- MP3s — This makes up the bulk of my collection.
I’m so out of touch with music videos it’s not even funny. I’d probably have to say Guns ‘N Roses’ November Rain, which totally dates me. Yes, the cheesier the better (and you’re hard pressed to find anything cheesier than the November Rain music video!)
What is your guilty pleasure song?
I’m still stuck in the ‘90s. Iris, Shimmer, Comedown, Don’t Speak, heck, even It’s All Coming Back to Me Now (THE song to slow dance to at the school dances)—if I rocked it in middle school then I’m probably still secretly rocking it now. Most songs by hair bands of the ‘80s and ‘90s get played a lot in my car and would definitely have to qualify as guilty pleasures.
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