The other day I was fortunate enough to receive an advance copy of award-winning actor, singer and writer Daniel Beaty's book
"Knock Knock: My Dad's Dream for Me" in the mail. Beaty's newest offering is a picture book adaption of the author's monologue "Knock Knock" which is a tale of loss and hope from a child's perspective.
"Knock Knock: My Dad's Dream for Me"
is an extremely thought provoking, "powerful and inspiring book [that] shows the love that an absent parent can leave behind, and the strength that children find in themselves as they grow up and follow their dream" -- The portion in quotation is from the book's jacket and I honestly couldn't have described it any better, sorry.
Beaty's powerful tale is exceptional transformed into beautiful visuals using watercolor and collage by the book's illustrator Bryan Collier.
"Knock Knock: My Dad's Dream for Me"
is honestly most touching picture book that I've come across in awhile. It perfectly illustrates loss and how one can grow and move on despite of their past. And I think that it would be an amazing read for anyone currently dealing with any type of loss and who is in need of a little encouragement.
One thing I do recommend for any adult reader is to watch the clip of Daniel Beaty performing Knock Knock, it is just so incredibly powerful and moving -- And it may bring you to tears, I cried the first time I watched it.
Overall, I love this book and I will be ordering multiple copies for my library.
"Knock Knock: My Dad's Dream for Me"
is available as of today, December 17th.
This book was sent to me for free for review.
That being said, all of the above opinions are truly my own. As always
if you wanna send me free stuff I'd totally take it, try it & give
you my honest opinion of it!
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