February 21, 2014

Sticky Note Art...

Last month I decided to start a new project with my Drawing Club kids, sticky note art (I'm not gonna lie, I ran out of drawing paper and noticed we had tons of sticky notes in the library supply closet). And since I draw with the kids every time I have Drawing Club I have a bunch that I did and I thought that I'd share my sticky note art with all of you.

So I give you some of my sticky note art...
What should I draw next?


  1. Those are cute!

    I have an artist friend who used to draw "Square-y Monsters" with her boys when they were little. She would take square sheets of paper, the boys would draw their toddler squiggles, and then she would use the squiggles to create monsters. They were super cute.

    1. That sounds so cute! I think my kids would really like that because we are all big fans of scribbling on a piece of paper, looking for pictures within the scribbles and coloring them in.
