December 30, 2014

January Photo-A-Day | Week One List...

You know how I always give you Fat Mum Slim's monthly photo a day list a few days before the new month starts? Well she changed things up for 2015 and is doing her photo a day as a weekly thing. So instead of one big list for the month she'll be putting out a list every week.

Why you ask? Well on her blog she wrote that she wanted to shake things up and try something different because the whole month list was too much commitment for some (Like yours truly who always forgets to take her daily pictures but really does intend on doing it every time she repost the list).

So for those of you interested here is Fat Mum Slim's January photo a day week one list...
Taking part is the same as always but here are the rules in case you forgot...
  1. Using the list as inspiration, take a photo each day. 
  2. Share it on Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #FMSphotoaday. You can also share on your blog or on Facebook by joining her group.
  3. Check out other people's photos and like them or comment on them.
So that's it. Lemme know if you're going to take a crack at it. And I swear I am going to make it through a full month of her lists at some point in 2015.

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