August 31, 2020

September Photo-A-Day

 Here is the photo-a-day Fat Mum Slim made for September 2020...

How To Take Part In September Photo-A-Day:
  • Using the list as inspiration, take a photo each day.     
  • Share it on Instagram or Twitter using the hashtags #FMSphotoaday and #FMSPAD. You can also share on your blog or on Facebook by joining her group.     
  • Check out other people's photos and like them or comment on them.
  • Each day a Fab Four is picked from the photos shared on Instagram for the challenge. It’s four photos that have captured their attention from each prompt. Check the feed @littlemomentsapp to see the photos.

1 comment :

  1. I've seen these photo challenges going around on Instagram but have never participated... Maybe that is something I should think about doing. :) Thanks for sharing!
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin
