June 28, 2011

Spotted: Librarian At The Gym...

Earlier today (Before I hurt my knee, obviously) I went to the gym with Erin and I was forced to interact with multiple mommies. I had two of the most annoying patrons we have at the library walk up to me at separate times asking me if I had just join the gym, blah blah blah...

Really?! Why do these people think I want to talk to them outside of the library, especially when I'm trying to walk uphill on a treadmill?!?! It reminded me of last summer and the patron on the beach -- I don't remember if I posted this or not, but last summer I was on the beach with Erin, Justin, etc. and I was stopped by a woman who was like "You work at the library!!" while I was in my bathing suit about to jump into the water. It wasn't cool, nor were the events of today.

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