June 3, 2013

Arrested Development & Frozen Bananas...

Yesterday Justin, Phil, another friend of ours and I finally got around to watching the new season on Arrested Development on Netflix and in honor of a new season after seven years I decided to make frozen banana's for us to eat while we were watching the new episodes.
• Bananas • Popsicle/Craft Sticks •
• Ghirardelli Bittersweet Chocolate Chips • Ghirardelli Milk Chocolate Chips •
• Heath Bar • Chopped Pecans •

1. Cut bananas in half I used one banana per person
2. Stick popsicle/craft stick into the flat portion of the banana
3. Put the bananas into the freezer
4. Chop up your toppings of choice, place in bowls and set aside
5. Cover a sheet pan with aluminum foil or wax paper and set aside
6. Using a small sauce pan boil some water
7. In a mixing bowl that fits into the sauce pan put in a small mixture of both types of chocolate chips From past chocolate covered mistakes I've learned to melt the chocolate in small batches so it doesn't get clumpy & gross
8. Place the mixing bowl on top of the sauce pan and stir the chocolate chips until melted
9. Dip frozen bananas in melted chocolate one at a time
10. Immediately cover with toppings and place on the lined sheet pan
11. Put covered bananas back into the freezer
12. Take out ten minutes before serving and enjoy
That's Justin's hand in the picture, he couldn't wait to try a banana


  1. Arrested development is a great show (although I didn't like the new season) and I love frozen bananas. Getting frozen bananas during the summer in Newport Beach is my favorite thing to do.

  2. My friends and I did the same thing! Though I like how you put heath pieces on your bananas, that sounds yum.
