I started dabbling in middle school, but I wasn't really into makeup until college.
2. What Are Your Top Three Favorite Beauty Products?
- L'Oréal Paris© Magic Skin Beautifier BB Cream (Medium)
- Tarte Amazonian Clay 12-Hour Blush (Flush & Natural Beauty)
- MAC Kanga Rouge Lipstick ← Unfortunately this was a limit edition shade that they don't make anymore
I don't know if this counts but I always have Smith's Rosebud Salve
4. What Is Your Daily Beauty Routine?
I don't have a set routine. It's normally: Wash face, put on various lotions & potions and maybe makeup.
5. What Is Your Favorite Hair/Makeup Product You’ve Discovered In The Last Year?
I started using L'Oréal Paris© Elnett Hairspray Extra Strong Hold Volume when I started curling my hair on a regular basis a few months ago and I absolutely love it.
Great list! I read a lot about the Rosebud Salve...I think I should look into getting some.