August 9, 2019

Twenty-Five Things That Make Me Happy

As those of you that have been around for awhile may or may not know, every so often when things are stressing me out or aren't going right I like to take a step back and think about silly things that make me happy. The past couple of weeks have been pretty hard because Justin's grandfather passed away suddenly and we had relatives staying with us for WAY too long in our one bedroom apartment. I also found out that Laveau has stomach parasites and that I actually fractured my foot when I fell last month during all of this, thus causing my anxiety to skyrocket. So because of all of this, I thought it was time to come up with a new list of things that make me happy (Here, here and here are some of my previous lists).

  1. Mimi
  2. Cuddles from Laveau
  3. Booking a trip to a place I haven't been before
  4. Video game nights with Justin, Phil and Rob
  5. Bouquets of peonies
  6. Listening to rap and making homemade pasta
  7. Fresh manicures
  8. Anything cherry flavored
  9. Notifications about new "UNHhhh" videos from Katya and Trixie
  10. Picnics at Loughlin Vineyard
  11. Leaving work early
  12. Falling asleep while watching ghost shows
  13. Eating lobster rolls outside on a beautiful summer day
  14. Getting new magnets for my collection
  15. Finding money in a purse I haven't touched in a while
  16. New Sharpies
  17. Listening to a good audio book
  18. Going fishing with Justin and Erik
  19. Polaroids
  20. Smelling the box of Venus ET Fleur roses that Justin bought me
  21. Exploring new places with my friends
  22. Nella and Kiwi greeting me at the door every time I go to my parent's house
  23. Cool graffiti
  24. Finding a new podcast to listen to
  25. Buttered popcorn
I'd love to know what makes you happy, leave me a comment bellow and let me know!

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